My new favorite song is "The Funeral" by Band Of Horses. Of course, it is on my One Tree Hill Road Mix CD. You know, in preparation for Tuesday, January 8th's return of my favorite show. Oh, how the time will pass so slowly!!
Other than that, nothing too exciting. We now have a new cell tower near our house so I finally get reception on my cell phone. So I can call more people (we don't have long distance on our land line and could only use cell phones for long distance, but since reception was so bad, know how it goes.)
I have a staple stuck under my space bar and every once in a while, I can't space. I can't get the darn thing out, either. So if anyone has any suggestions that would be great!
I hung up Christmas lights on our porch last night. I had hung up new ones along the roof last year and when I went to go turn them on this year only one - ONE - strand worked. Of all 6 that I bought NEW last year. Crap, I tell you! Crap! But I think they look nice along our porch, so something different never hurts anyone!