Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Thursday, June 28, 2007


So, the other night I had some dreams that were quite entertaining and seemed true-to-life, even though I know they weren't. And since you want to know all about it, I'm going to tell you what they were like.

The first one was about Kristen. She was having some kind of Tastefully Simple-type party at her new house. When we arrived Kristen wasn't there, but she had left a note in the corner of her kitchen for the hostess. And by note, I mean a sage colored notepad that was the size of a canvas that an artist would have on a stand. And it read (from what I remember) ".....So-and-so (didn't catch the hostess' name) when I see you you'll be 6'1" and thin as alway, and when you see me I'll have lost 18 llbs. I'll be back shortly....." This makes me laugh.

So, this lady was trying to sell us Christmas goodies already pre-packaged. I was being mean and bitter. So, when she said, "...and these Christmas doughnuts are delicious!" I said, "Yeah, because everyone likes Christmas doughnuts full of preservatives!" *sneer*

It was a very festive and delicious time, despite my bitterness. And even though I haven't seen Kristen's house yet, in my dream it was rockin'.

Then, I woke up and promptly demanded myself to remember that so I could blog about it. When I fell asleep, I had another dream. It involved April.

I was on the beach, by the ocean, swinging on a swingset. When I got off, I was very lighthearted, even though I had to go to work. When I got there I was teaching one of my coworkers how to do my job. Then, some guy from another county came in and decided he could teach her better and that he could do everything faster, better, etc. On any other occasion, this would have made me mad, but in my dream I was leaving - that's why I was teaching her how to do my job. So, after I gave her some encouragement, I went off to find April. We then went shopping to find clothes for my new endeavor - going back to college. She was helping me find clothes when this group of guys (young kids) ticked her off. She told them off. I can't remember what she said, but it was totally April.

The best part of that dream was that I was trying on clothes in my original size, but they were too big because I had lost weight. So, I had to try on smaller clothes. It was excellent.

Maybe the second dream will come true. Maybe I'll loose weight, go back to school and leave my job. Who knows??

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tack - Y

Please note that the following paragraph contains high levels of sarcasm. Such high levels of sarcasm may be harmful to young readers. Please use discretion.

Um, you know what I love? *Love*? Presents with strings attached to them. And not literal strings, mind you, because a present with real strings may actually be kind of fun. But what I like is dog sitting for 2 weeks and then when the dog's owner comes back, asks instantly if I can dog sit again in 3 weeks.

Now, mind you, I never said yes to this. I said "Check with me again closer to that time." But what happens? (You're gonna love this!) The dog's owner comes into my office last week, bearing a present/souvenier from her trip and in the bag is a key to her house. LOVE IT! Doesn't ask me if I'm still free, or if I can do it. She basically is saying, "Here's a present, you better watch my dog again." Grrrrrr.

THEN, she called me at work yesterday to see if I was working Friday, because she wants me to let the dumb dog out before I leave town because she wants to stay with friends that night. Ummm, my comment is that if you have a damn dog, watch your damn dog. Don't make me.

In other news, I was day dreaming of winning the lottery last night before I went to bed. It was kind of fun. Not that I'll win.....or ever play the lottery. But, whatev.

I must go, I'm at work but I have other stuff to blog about. Not important stuff, but stuff nonetheless.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


You know, sometimes I just wonder if there are any jobs out there that don't require me to have to clean up other peoples' messes. If there is another job without this hangup, I'd like to know about it. I'm sick of being the shit girl. Always.

I got a haircut. Nothing impressive.

I've been tractor pulling.

It's nice out today...finally after humid and hot weather.

I'm not dead.....although, heaven would be nice right now.

What's new in your world???