Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Just Call My Name

Some things I really, really like:

*Hearing a new song on the radio and instantly falling in love with it

*The fact that the grass is becoming green again

*Loving myself, even though I'm fat. Because I'm more than just that.

I had a really weird dream last night. I was on a big ship and it was Russian. And as soon as I realized this, I must have changed my dream because then I instantly started dreaming about April. And April was on this Russian ship, only she was a prisoner. She had been committed for murder and she had served ten years, but this was the day she was going to be released. (Don't worry, she didn't do it........she was framed!)

When she finally got let go she could make one phone call. But before that she got a container of Ritz mini cheese filled cracker sandwiches. As she was snacking, she got on the phone but couldn't understand anything because it was all in Russian. So she asked the big, intimidating woman officer to talk for her. Apparently she and the officer became friends or something because April bossed her around and the lady talked on the phone for her.

Then when she left the boat and got on the dock, a guy I knew from high school (Derek) was there and said to April, "you have to find out if the body was burned." And then he said something about blue plastic and left.

When I woke up I remember that in the dream they were looking for this blue plastic because clear plastic had been used as evidence to convict April.

So weird. And Russian. *shakes head*

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Take That, Rubik!

Because of the hype of my little pregnancy news, I forgot to tell you all about a great accomplishment of mine. Over the weekend, I solved Kayla's Rubik's cube. So, take that, Sir Rubik! HA! It was frustrating and I'm very surprised that I finished it. I actually finished it Monday morning before going to work. It's a good thing I did or else I would have been preoccupied with it all day.

Kayla will probably mess it up again, but I'm ready for the challenge of solving it again. (or maybe I'll just buy a new one and tell them not to mess with it!)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I'm Pregnant!!!

I'm so excited! I have (secretly) wanted a baby for so long now! And even though I'm not currently with anyone, I still really want this baby. It will be hard to raise a child alone, but I have great parents to help me and I know my friends will be supportive, too.

I was so shocked when I found out yesterday, but I'm not surprised. Does that make sense? And I know it's probably not proper etiquette to break the news over my blog, but I couldn't wait to tell everyone. I'll be making phone calls to you all tonight. But so you don't go crazy, I'll give you a little bit of the story:

A few weeks ago (5), I wasn't feeling very good. I had flu-like symptoms and I felt my sinuses plotting a revolt in my head. I felt horrible. But a girl I work with was having a birthday party after work at one of the local establishments. I had been putting off going out with her for months, but I thought I should suck it up and go to her party. I figured that being sick would make a good get-away story. So after work I drove downtown to Legends (I think April and Kristen have been there before.)

To my surprise, a lot of people I knew from work and around town were there. So it was more fun than I anticipated. I didn't have much to drink, one Sky Blue (yum), and I was about ready to leave when this guy bumped into me. I didn't think much of it and was going to keep walking away but he started talking to me. He wasn't hot or anything. But he wasn't ugly, either. He was really funny. Turns out his name is Ben (and after watching so much Felicity lately, I thought that was appropriate!!). We talked for a good hour or so and then I gave him my cell phone number. I figured he wouldn't call, so I didn't think anything of it.

But he called me the next day and we talked for about three hours. And the time just flew by! He asked me out for that night, Saturday. And I (of course) said "yes". He gave me directions to his house in the town where I work, I figured I could find it easily, and he said he'd cook dinner and we'd rent a movie. Sounded good to me.

We had a great night. One thing led to another (and by another, I mean making out). And the making out led to, well, you know. (In my defense, it's been sooooo long. I couldn't help myself.) Unfortunately, I wasn't on anything. Mainly because I wasn't expecting anything like this to happen to me right now. I didn't figure I'd be with a man for another billion years!

I was really happy with how we left things that night. He was going to call me the next day and we were going to get together. Well, he never called. And he hasn't called for the past five weeks. I wasn't really surprised, but I was a little hurt. I felt so stupid about it, I haven't told anyone. I can't believe I put myself in that position again and trusted someone. Especially someone I didn't know.

So then, two weeks ago, I was throwing up and not feeling well. It passed and I chalked it up to the flu. But then over the weekend it started happening again, so I called my doctor and set up an appointment for a checkup last night after work. I figured it would be just the flu, anyway. And since I haven't had my yearly physical yet, I decided to have everything checked to save another trip to the doctor.

I swear I almost fell off that little table they sit you on. I'm sure you probably almost fell off your chair reading this. Good thing it's only an April Fool's joke. HA! Like I'd really announce being pregnant on my blog.......or like I'd have an encounter like that and not say anything!

Really, though, nothing new here. But no news is good news, I figure.