Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ordinary People

I've decided that I'm going to stock-pile toilet paper. When our economy crashes and the bank loses all of my hard earned money, I think I can survive just fine -- as long as I have toilet paper. I wouldn't even mind going out-of-doors to do my business, as long as there is toilet paper. Nice, soft, and oh-so-delightful.

I am really liking this season of One Tree Hill. So much better than last year's season. I guess I don't have to write a strongly worded letter to Mark Schwan. Because I would have.

And have I mentioned that I'm glad fall is here. I'm wearing a nice, soft, long-sleeved jacket today. And it nicely covers my rolls. What can be better than a season that allows for the covering of imperfections on one's body? Really. What can be better?

I've had a hacking cough for about two weeks now. I should go to the doctor, but I keep thinking it will go away. I'm just hoping it's not going to lead to pneumonia. That wouldn't be good. I'm sure it's just some light bronchitis. And I don't think there's medicine to cure that, is there?

And in other news: I'm addicted to mob wars on Facebook. Mostly because I like the money and buying stuff. I don't fight 'cause I know I would lose, but I do punch people in the face a lot. If they attack me, they promptly get a punch in the face. So be warned: don't attack me or I'll punch you in the face!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Letter to the Editor

In my frustration about the economy, I decided to write a letter to my Senators and Representatives. If you are frustrated about something, I encourage you to do the same to your elected officials. It really made me feel better, even if it may never reach the intended audience.

Here is the letter that I wrote: (you may agree or not, but since it's my blog I get to say what I want!)

As a taxpayer and voter, it infuriates and disgusts me that the Government is considering a bailout for Wall Street. While average Americans have been losing their homes, their jobs and trying to budget for rising energy and food costs, Wall Street executives have been getting rich using unethical business practices. And now, instead of helping the vast majority of Americans, the executives are going to be bailed out while the average American is going to foot the bill.

I don’t understand why this makes sense to any of you in Washington. It should disgust and infuriate you as well. Especially since the Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, wants what is essentially a blank check, funded from the empty pockets of the poor and struggling middle class.

When a small business makes bad business decisions and is going out of business, does the Federal Government step in and bail them out? No! So why should the government step in and fix this problem? The government’s role should be focusing on fixing banking and business regulations, not throwing money at the problem so that executives of these companies and banks can sail off in their yachts.

The worst thing the Government can do for the American people at this time is to bail out big business while main street Americans foot the bill. The best thing the Government can do is let the economy fall. How else will corporate America, the banking industry and Wall Street ever learn their lesson by being bailed out?

Besides deregulation, there are other forces causing an economic downfall in this country, the War in Iraq being one of them. Economics 101 teaches that the weakest economy is a war time economy. The sad thing is that the money we spend in Iraq is not spent on our troops, it’s spent on big business (once again) through “government contracts” for rebuilding. That’s bullshit! And no one has stood up to fight that, either.

We have been force fed the idea that Terrorism is something that we have to go and fight, but I believe that by ruining our economy, Terrorists have won the fight that they wanted to start. Osama Bin Laden didn’t attack the Twin Towers because they were an easy target. He targeted them for what they stood for: the strength of America, which has been our strong economy. Since that attack, President Bush has been playing into the hands of Terrorists by starting a war (over oil, by the way – don’t think that the American people are ignorant. We know why we went to “war”) that will never be won. Bin Laden counted on greed to destroy America, and he is about to succeed in his mission.

What the government does not understand is that without industry and agriculture, there is no foundation for our economy. Granted, there is the global economy, but the global economy doesn’t help the average American. We need industry and agriculture because Americans need jobs. Those jobs create income, which the average American spends IN AMERICA. That spending then circulates: taxes, more jobs, more income, etc.

Spend our money on us. Americans. Help the majority of the population, not the richest minority. There is no such thing as the trickle-down effect. That is a fairy tale created by the rich so that they can have all the wealth. Help America flourish again. Help America be viable and strong. Help average Americans.

I have a few questions for you, as well: Do you live on less than $50,000 a year? Do you have high insurance premiums and deductibles, while having less than adequate coverage when you need it? Have you lost your job in industry or agriculture in the last five years?

No? Then you need to get in touch with the people who vote you into office. You need to be on the same page as those voters. If you look at how they live, then you will see that you are screwing them over by voting for any legislation or bailout package that foots them with the bill of covering Wall Street executives and their bad decisions.

Please consider voting in the best interest of your constituents this time. Even if that means voting against a bailout package. Take a stand. Be a better person. Be a better American.

If you don’t put an end to this, there may not be an America left for you to fight for.

She doesn't speak for me

I'm pretty sure Jesus came to teach us how to love one another. I don't recall him forcing his views down anyone's throat. He taught by the way he lived. Why can't we get that lesson through our heads?

Leave the judging to God. Remember the harlot at the well? Why didn't they stone her, even though they thought they had every right to? It wasn't because Jesus was writing their sins in the sand, was it? Oh, wait, yes. Yes, it was. We are all sinners, so how does it stand to reason that sinners can pass judgment on other sinners? Why can't we just feed the hungry, clothe the naked and love the lonely? I'm pretty sure if we put our efforts to that, the world would be a better place and God would take care of the rest.

I don't know if you've seen it, but there's a Wisconsin Lottery commercial for the game Badger 5. It has a stuffed Badger dancing. Like an actual dead, but stuffed, Badger. I know it's wrong, but I can't stop watching that commercial. I really like when it's on. It's ....... well, I can't explain my fascination. There's just something about it when the song says, "Get your hands up..." and the paws are trying to raise the roof. I tried to Youtube it, but I can't find it. So I can't share it with you.

Also, Fashion Bug is doing a pant revolution. I bought some new pants there and I LOVE THEM! They are cut differently to fit different body types. I have no waist, so the pants I want are just straight from waist to hip, no curves - 'cause all I gots is fat there. If you are more curvy, they cut them differently. I highly suggest checking these pants out....they have jeans, dress pants and in many different styles. I give it a thumbs up.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I want to be like Mike

Well, I don't want to be like Mike.....I don't even know who Mike is. Who I'd actually like to be like is TOWR. Yes, that's right. I am envious of her commitment to getting back to good health. I read her blog and think "you know, I could do that." But do I? Oh, no no no. That would require me to do something. Like giving up chocolate or exercising. *sigh* So I just keep telling myself that someday I will want to exercise and eat right. And in the mean time, I will just read TOWR's blog and be jealous. (And proud of her, of course.)

In other developing news, I may or may not be making out this weekend. It has yet to be decided.......if said make-out participant ticks me off, there will be none. If I feel like being frisky, then there may be some kissing coming my way. It all depends. (Is it wrong that I like the fact that I have the power here???)

I also may or may not be shopping this weekend. A cousin of mine had a baby two weeks ago and the baby has been in ICU since birth because she wasn't getting enough oxygen. There has been a lot of improvement over the last two weeks (thanks mostly to a lot of prayer). Mom and I may go visit them. Hopefully the baby will not suffer brain damage as a result of this disorder. And hopefully the doctors can fix her. How awful!!

Nathaniel borrowed my other car this week (how crazy is it that I'm a two car owner? Too bad they're not two good cars). It will be interesting to see if he brings it back to me. I told him that if he drank and then drove it, and then got in an accident I'd report it stolen. I figure he can rot in jail along with his stupidity. Plus, he stole my new flosser that I got at the dentist the other day. The terms of our agreement stated that he had to bring me back my flosser. He hasn't. Maybe I should dial 9-1-1??

Other than that, no more tractor pulling. But thank goodness it's FOOTBALL time again. And thank goodness Brett Favre is no longer a Packer. My life is now a little sweeter!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I can't believe it's been 7 years since the 9/11 attack on our country. I still remember where I was and what I was doing. Luckily, I had made a surprise trip home and was with my family. I don't know what I would have done otherwise.

Today, take a moment and pray for the families who were affected by the tragedy. And then remember all the service men and women who signed up to defend our nation and lost their lives because of it. Let us never forget them or their sacrifice.

And let us never forget those who are still fighting. They have the purest intentions and are sacrificing themselves for what they believe is the greater good.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

For your information....

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Good Times, Great Oldies

One more weekend of tractor pulling, and then I can finally get my weekends back. I have only been at home for 2 weekends since the middle of May. I am so ready for my life to go back to boring. I was telling my mom the other day how I remember the days when I had nothing to do, and I kind of miss that.

I guess it wouldn't be so bad, but lately during the week I have had so many things to go to and do, I don't even get to relax during the week. Parties, drinking, boys. You'd think I was back in college.......or not. And by parties, I mean Pampered Chef, Creative Memories, etc. And by drinking I mean soda while others are whooping it up with Bud Light, even though I was at a bar. And by boys I mean an idiot, whom I am going to stop seeing. Seriously. It's fun to make out, but I can only take so much idiocraty. (shut it - it's a word)

I am so glad that fall is coming. I like long sleeves and pants. And sweatshirts.

Oh! And I finally got a tan line this summer. On Saturday we were in the middle of nowhere and sitting in the clouds, no shade. I slathered up with sun block on my arms, face, neck, etc., but forgot to put some on my feet, so I have a nice line where my sandals were. It makes me smile - only 'cause I'm not totally white now. My mom and I couldn't take the heat, so after an hour and a half, we found the only shade and got our chairs out of the car and sat in the shade the rest of the day. I'm sure people were jealous, but I would have beat them down had they tried to take the shade. Don't mess with a fat girl who's hot and sweaty. It ain't pretty.

AND! I know you don't care, but OTH was all new on Monday and I'm SO FREAKIN' GLAD that Lucas chose Peyton (even though I know they won't actually get married, something will happen, blah, blah, blah) but it made me cry because I was so happy. If they hadn't, I was going to write a strongly worded letter to Mark Schwan. They should be together. *sigh* I prefer TV drama than real-life drama.

I baby-sat Kayla on Friday. I was so exhausted at the end of the day, but she still wanted to play house. So I layed down on the couch and said, "Let's pretend that I'm your sister and I'm in a coma!" She didn't like that idea, she wanted me to play the baby-sitter for her doll. So I laid down on the couch with the baby and said, "Let's pretend that I'm the babysitter and I got in a car accident and now I'm in a coma!" She didn't like that either. She yelled, "Krista! You can't pretend you're in a COMA!" So much for that.............

Then she wanted to put on a parade for me and my mom. I said I'd only go to the parade if there was candy. So she raided our candy drawer and I got some mini-butterfingers, snickers and baby ruths. It was a good parade, if you ask me!