Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday April!!

Today is a day to celebrate the birth and life of one April, Lirpa, Slirpy or whatever you want to call her. It is a great day!!

Today, April, I wish you joy and love and fun with friends and family. And most of all, I wish you cake. And maybe a candle or two to blow out.

I believe your 30's will be awesome. You will do great things. You will have great adventures. And you will enjoy every moment of it!

Today is YOUR day and I hope you have a great one!!

Happy 30th Birthday!!

Monday, November 03, 2008

When there's nothing left to burn......

The TOP 3 Things I Learned This Weekend:

* That's what she said.

* Kristen is a self-proclaimed "ditz"

* April's face IS everywhere.