Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Note to self:

People watch too much Oprah.

I don't mind winter, or snow. But could it please just stop being blow zero and icy? Please?

I had a dream last night that I was back in college. I was at the bookstore (which was my present day grocery store) and was checking a lottery ticket. I won $2,000. It was great. So then I walked back to Crownhart to share my good fortune with my friends. We were all moving into the dorms again. It must have been the start of the year. I don't know which I was more excited about: the money I won or being back at college.

Ah! Good times!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Well, well, well. Another Valentine's day with no Valentine. Not surprising.

Although, I really shouldn't complain. My Valentine's gift from my mom was a new notebook computer. It not only burns CDs but it burns DVDs as well. I'll have to look into wireless internet now. Or just drive around town to find someone else's! So that's not so bad of a Valentine's day.

She got my sister an iPod. I wanted one of those, but a computer (for the moment) seems to be the better gift.

April had mentioned on her blog about giving up stuff for Lent. I have done the opposite. I am going to exercise every day for Lent. I have been doing well so far. And it's not anything extreme. Maybe 15 minutes a day, but that's better than nothing. And whenever I feel like not doing it, I think of the sacrifice that Jesus made for me -- in that capacity, 15 minutes doesn't really seem that bad (or that adequate, either!!) But it's something.

My grandpa rolled his new truck on Monday. He seems o.k., but he didn't go to the doctor. I hope he doesn't have internal injuries. You never know. But he's too stubborn to go to the doctor. He's coming for supper tonight, so maybe mom can talk some sense into him!!! His truck is pretty much will cost $17,000 to fix and he's only had it for a couple months. Sheesh.

Other than that, I just keep having weird dreams. I wonder why??

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Do I really need to title these darn things??

So I had a dream last night that I was in the Cities and decided to spy on Kristen and her Lawyer Boy when they met. In my dream he was taking her to a Little League game. Why? Don't know, but that's where I ended up. She was really cute and nervous, but she spotted me nonetheless. So much for my stealthness! Her whole family was there, Kate, Kelly and April, too. It was a great-big get together. I never ended up seeing Lawyer Boy because I ended up in Texas at a grocery store buying donuts, cookies and muffins. I don't know how I got from the Cities to Texas.

Well, besides the massive amounts of snow we've been getting, I don't have anything really going on here. I did watch Season 1 of Felicity. I did not like her AT ALL in the first 3/4 of the season. At the end I sort of liked her. I've only watched 4 episodes of Season 2, but I like her much better. (And I LOVE her hair.) We'll see how the rest of the Season goes.

As far as Johnny Depp, I have nothing further to report. However, April did send me a list of neat-o ways to get his attention, and I'd like to share them. (And I only used "neat-o" because it was fun to use it in a sentance with April.) Unfortunately, I just realized I deleted that email. Dang it! But one of my favorites was to hold up a sign saying, "You can 21 jump my street." I think April will remember some of them and she can share them in the Comments sections (do it!)

But I was thinking of holding up a sign (if I get to get a picture with him) that says, "And for the lady....." Because it would make Klo and April laugh. And they can add it to their collections.

Well, that's it for now! Don't forget to vote next week (in Wisconsin)!!