Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

She doesn't speak for me

I'm pretty sure Jesus came to teach us how to love one another. I don't recall him forcing his views down anyone's throat. He taught by the way he lived. Why can't we get that lesson through our heads?

Leave the judging to God. Remember the harlot at the well? Why didn't they stone her, even though they thought they had every right to? It wasn't because Jesus was writing their sins in the sand, was it? Oh, wait, yes. Yes, it was. We are all sinners, so how does it stand to reason that sinners can pass judgment on other sinners? Why can't we just feed the hungry, clothe the naked and love the lonely? I'm pretty sure if we put our efforts to that, the world would be a better place and God would take care of the rest.

I don't know if you've seen it, but there's a Wisconsin Lottery commercial for the game Badger 5. It has a stuffed Badger dancing. Like an actual dead, but stuffed, Badger. I know it's wrong, but I can't stop watching that commercial. I really like when it's on. It's ....... well, I can't explain my fascination. There's just something about it when the song says, "Get your hands up..." and the paws are trying to raise the roof. I tried to Youtube it, but I can't find it. So I can't share it with you.

Also, Fashion Bug is doing a pant revolution. I bought some new pants there and I LOVE THEM! They are cut differently to fit different body types. I have no waist, so the pants I want are just straight from waist to hip, no curves - 'cause all I gots is fat there. If you are more curvy, they cut them differently. I highly suggest checking these pants out....they have jeans, dress pants and in many different styles. I give it a thumbs up.


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