Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What? What did you say??

I was watching the news last night. There was a story about a frat house that burned down in the middle of the night. The news anchor, talking about that story, said "...more information on the investigation and the b-cup that saved the day."

B-cup? Like a bra??

I sat there and just mulled it over in my head -- I couldn't imagine how a bra's b-cup could save the day. So I waited for the explanation.

Turns out, he must have said "beat cop" (a/k/a police officer on foot....which is the terminology he used during his coverage.) I started laughing and turned to my mom and said, "I totally thought he said "B-cup" but he must have said "beat cop!!" She just looked at me, but then my dad started laughing and said, "I thought he said b-cup, too. But I wasn't going to say anything!"

Thinking about it makes me laugh.


At May 15, 2008 2:48 PM, Blogger April said...

HAHAHAHAHA!! That's hilarious! You and your dad watching the news, thinking about B-cups saving the world. Classic.


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