Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Friday, November 16, 2007

Sweater Vests

Really, was the Sweater Vest such a horrible fashion choice? I mean, you get both the comfort of a sweater without the constraints because you don't have the sleeves. What would be a better look than an Argyle Sweater Vest?

Just a thought.

It's funny how you don't realize that you don't feel good about yourself until one day you do feel good about yourself. And then you realize you should have taken steps long ago to make your life better so that you'd feel like this all the time. But, you can't change the past, so you just accept it and keep feeling good about yourself.

My mom's birthday was Wednesday. She thought she was 56, but I had to inform her that she was only 55. I guess getting another year is a great birthday gift!

I'm excited because October Road starts again. It will be on Mondays and luckily I'm done with my class on the 26th so Mondays after that will be free for my TV viewing pleasure. The guy on that show was on One Tree Hill. He was my favorite character on the show. I can't wait for One Tree Hill to come back on. Hopefully this writer's strike won't affect my favorite show of all time. I may be forced to be angry!


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