Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Monday, October 08, 2007

La ti da, ti da, ti da.....

So, I'm horribly tired today. And cranky. And all I want to eat is a piece of cake with the really sugary frosting on it. The diagnoses (per my mother), "it must be time for your period!" This is her answer to everything. Always!

I posted last week about a girl (she's 25) missing. It turns out she wasn't missing because someone abducted her. She just ran away. Now, while I do feel sorry for her that she felt she must run away, I'm pissed off. What if some day someone really goes missing and no one will want to help find them because of all these girls that just run away. That makes 3 from Wisconsin in the last year that I can recall. I guess the old story of crying wolf really can apply.

Tonight is my class....we'll see if the personal trainer says anything to me. I may give him one more chance - only given if his story is a good one. But I highly doubt it. I am not a good forgiver.

And speaking of not being a good forgiver, Nathaniel asked me this weekend why I didn't have a boyfriend. I told him many reason, one of which was that I'm bitter and mean. No one wants to date someone who is either of these two qualities, let alone both of them together. When asked why I feel this way, I said that it's basically because I'd rather not get hurt, so this is my defense mechanism. My mother replied that this is a horrible way to live. And while in some respects I do agree with her, I'd much rather be safe than broken hearted. I don't know how long it will take me to ever try to date again, but I do know that it is nowhere in the near future.

Well, I'd better go, I have a pain in my chest. Mabye I'm having a heart attack....which would really piss me off since I haven't had any good food (and by good food I mean junk food!!) in about 4 weeks. What a way to die....fat and eating healthy. Is there any other word for hell???


At October 08, 2007 5:54 PM, Blogger April said...

There is, indeed, another word for hell. CarrotTop. *shudders*

At October 09, 2007 8:03 AM, Blogger atsirk said...

Ah, yes. You are totally correct.


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