Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Friday, October 05, 2007

Confessions of a Blonde....

I hate people. I do. They are frustrating. They are not dependable. And just when you think that they're going to be beneficial in your life, you will regret it. And the sad thing is that you do need people in your life. What a lonely existence if you didn't have anyone. But I am so sick of dealing with people. Is there, or will there never be, a cure??

Mostly I'm mad because I was really excited about starting a weight loss program that was not only doable, but attainable. And I was excited to be working with someone who's job it was to help people like me who don't know the first thing about doing the health-smart stuff. And so (just like in a relationship) I got excited about it. But I should have known better.

I rushed to my appointment yesterday, changed and jumped on the treadmill for my 5 minute warm-up. No trainer. So, I walked for another 5 minutes, thinking he was late. No trainer. I kept walking for 25 minutes. No trainer. I. Was. Pissed. I grabbed my stuff and left.

So, after a lot of thinking, I've decided that I can do this myself. I'm mostly by myself anyway, so what is the big deal about this? What a jackass. I feel bad for the people who actually pay him (luckily this is part of my classes, so I'm getting it for free.....I guess you get what you pay for!!)

But in good news, the book I ordered has been delivered to my house, so I will spend the weekend reading. I can't wait!!


At October 07, 2007 4:58 PM, Blogger April said...

Are you sure you can't give him one more chance? Granted, it was pretty stupid of ANYONE to tick you off, but maybe he had an accident or an unavoidable schedule conflict and your appointment escaped his muscley mind. Allow him to apologize. You could still really benefit from his help! (And I so didn't mean that in a mean way.)

At October 08, 2007 10:16 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

I hate people TOO! We have so much in common!


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