Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Thursday, January 17, 2008

We all fall down sometimes

If I need to say that I've not been so good lately, is it really gramatically correct to say "I've been doing poorly lately" or is it "I've been poor lately"?? Because the latter makes me think I'm just broke. And sometimes I couldn't give a flying f*@^ about being gramatically correct.

All I have to say is that I'm glad I'm single and I'm staying that way. Because the idea of the perfect man for me is much better than the defective, jack-wad, piece of shite that I'd really end up with. Like some people do. And I feel bad for those people. Really bad. (Or is it badly?)


My main obsession for the last week? Peanut Butter M&M's. Genius. Pure Genius.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Take as much as you can and give nothing back

Resolutions? Let's see........last year I resolved to save a lot of money, get a new job and move out. I did get a new job. But I didn't save much money or move out. So maybe this year I will save a lot of money and then next year (the year of my 30's) move out. That is my plan.

That and no dating.....but I'm pretty sure that the no dating thing won't be hard. But what a great slogan: "No dates in 2008!" Sign me up for a bumper sticker!

I can't belive a whole year has gone. I feel the same as I did last year. And I think I weigh the same (if not more). But there were some great things in 2007:

* John Mayer
* Discovering "Veronica Mars" (thank you, April)
* My Library card
* OTH (of course!)
* All the books I've read
* My new job
* The new cell tower next to my house

I would go on, but why grasp at straws? I like my life - boring as it may seem. And I'm glad another year is here. I wonder what I'll be blogging about next January???