Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Monday, January 26, 2009

Six Weeks

Six weeks.

According to Honey Nut Cheerios, you can lower your cholesterol in six weeks.

If you broke your arm, that's how long you'd need to be in a cast -- six weeks.

Some diet programs say you can lose up to twelve pounds in six weeks.

But in my life, in six weeks I will be older. Old. Old. Old.

And still single. *sigh*

Friday, January 02, 2009

The Year Of Turning 30

So in sixty-six (66) days I will be turning 30. Not that I feel even remotely close to being this old. I feel like I'm still 23 - and will continue to feel this way until further notice. They say you're only as old as you hello, 23!!

I didn't make any New Year's Resolutions, since I don't keep any that I make. Plus, it's still just another day. Just like the day before and just like (hopefully) tomorrow.

But this year is going to be good, regardless of any resolutions. You see, my parents are giving us all a trip to Hawaii this year. How awesome will that be? And it works out really well because I was planning on going to a tropical place for my big birthday. Now I get a free trip there. Not a bad deal.

So other than being overweight, this year is looking pretty good. I like my job and will hopefully still have it for another year. I am liking my living situation and my family. I have a great trip to look forward to (and may go on other trips. Hopefully to the East Coast and back to Palm Springs ... my mom is now on a trip kick, so of course I will oblige her and travel along!!).

Bring on the New Year - the Year of Turning Thirty!!!