Give me some of your tots!
Oh, how my body is revolting from my BSB weekend! I am so tired today that not even an IV full of Mt. Dew would wake me. I thought I'd be tired yesterday, but today is so much worse. All I want is my nice bed and fluffy pillows.
I have a couple of letters I'd like to share (but they will lack the hilarity and flair of April and Kristen letters):
Dear guy-that-I'm-not-really-dating-but-you-won't-go-away-because-you-can't-take-a-hint,
Don't answer the phone "Hey, sexy" because it will make me vomit.
All my loathing,
Dear Customer Service Rep from India,
Don't call and tell me your name is Austin. I know that it's actually Habib or some other name that sounds like someone coughing and/or spitting.
I have to admit that against my better judgment, I totally screamed like a 13 year old girl at the Backstreet Boys concert. I have no logic behind my actions and take full responsibility for it. April had posted on MySpace a few weeks ago that she needed to stock up on Excedrine because her sister was going to be screaming during the whole concert....unfortunately for April, I was the one screaming right next to her. Who knew I had that set of lungs?
Now I am officially more concert and April-filled-weekend to look forward to. I should be ecstatic because One Tree Hill, Season 5 comes out today, but I'm too cheap to go buy it.
The only thing I've gotten excited about in the past 48 hours was when I realized One Tree Hill's season premier is next Monday. I actually jumped up and down and clapped my hands when I realized it. And then I continued to be depressed when there was no one around to share my joy.