Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Thursday, October 12, 2006

First Snowfall of Winter

Mt. Dew is my nemesis. As I was downing the sugary goodness yesterday afternoon I knew that I would pay the price. And I did. I was trying to get to sleep last night, but to no avail. It's just the price you pay for evil. Or caffeine.

But the good thing? I had a lot of time to daydream about things (even though it was no longer day). And do you want to know what I was thinking about? Oh, you know you do! I was imagining myself much thinner than I am now, and I was thinking it was next summer. I would be at this music event and looking hot and thin, and I would run into Brad. He would see me and want me back, but what do I do? Oh, I don't take him back, I kick the shit out of him.

That's right! My imagination had me first ignoring him, but since he was so annoying in my mind, I would then kick him in the crotch. Then, as he's doubled over in pain, I'd kick him again so he'd fall down on the ground, back to the ground. And then I would start on his face. Kicking him good, twice. (Because, I am a lady and would hate to look vicious.) And in my imagination there was bloodshed.........all his. It was quite satisfying.

But after this little psychotic daydream, I did pray for forgiveness. After all, I should really be thinking good thoughts for him and hoping he ends up married and happy and with kids. And that he'd get over all his issues. Maybe the next time I drink Mt. Dew that's what I can stay up at night and think about!

And in other exciting news, it was snowing when I left for work this morning. It was pretty much a white-out for a while. But now all the snow is gone.

Unfortunately, a girl from the town I work in died in a car accident today. She was only 33 years old. She and her husband had been trying to have kids for the longest time, but they couldn't. So then they adopted, but the biological mother wanted the baby back, so they had to give her back. And then just recently her and her husband had a little girl. What a horrible thing to happen! So sad. Please pray for her family.


At October 13, 2006 11:45 AM, Blogger April said...

Well, you remember who my nemesis is. Old Whorepants McHockeyFace.

I've beaten Brad in my fantasies, too. Although mine involve spiked heels and a sledgehammer. I can't imagine why I'm still single. :D

At October 13, 2006 2:16 PM, Blogger i i eee said...

I don't see any harm in a little psychosomatic killer fantasies. If anything, he certainly deserves it.

Sorry about that girl you know.

Mountain Dew is yucky. But I admit, sometimes when I get suckered into eating Taco Bell, I'll give in and get some Mountain Dew CODE RED. haha

At October 14, 2006 9:21 AM, Blogger April said...

I can't remember if it was Krista, K-Lo, or Amanda who was drinking Mt. Dew Code Red and said, "Wouldn't it be cool if Mt. Dew came out with a lime green colored drink?" It was hilarious.

At October 16, 2006 9:45 AM, Blogger atsirk said...

So. Stinkin'. Hilarious! I don't think it was me, though. I stick more with the "skinless dog" comments!!


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