Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mission: Accomplished

I have addicted my brother, Justin, to the crack that is One Tree Hill. It took me two weeks (and one of which I was sick and stayed home from work and had nothing better to do) to finish Season One. He did it in three days.........and then called to demand that I get Season Two by this weekend. I am using him as an excuse to buy the second season.

So, yeah, I was sick all last week and stayed home. On Friday I came to work, but then went home at 1:00 p.m. because I was about ready to pass out. I was just glad to make it home and back to my bed!!

On Wednesday (which, as we all know is the only day I am allowed to see or talk to Brad) he came over to my house. Now, mind you, I am ill. Fever, cough, chills, stuffed up. You know, ill. So, I was upstairs getting a sweatshirt on, not thinking that he'd come over (since I've not heard from him all week, so you just don't know if you don't hear from someone), but when I came back downstairs, he was in my living room.........and One Tree Hill was starting on the WB. I didn't think the night could get any worse.

But, it did.

Here's our 1 minute conversation:
Me: Hey. How are you?
Brad: Why? Aren't I allowed to be good?
Me: Um. I was just asking how you are.
Brad: You sound like shit.
Me: Yeah, I've been sick for the past three days.
Brad: *not sitting down, as I'm motioning to the couch* Do you want to go outside and talk?
Me: Fine *thinking, I'm freezing and it's cold out there and I'm sick. Duh!*
Brad (once outside): So, how do you think this Wednesday night thing is going.
Me: Well, it's obvious to me that you don't want this anymore.
Brad: Yeah, it's been nice not having you around the last few weeks. My life is finally back to normal.
Me: Okay *taking off shoes that I just put on*

So, I turned and walked inside. He said something to the effect of "well, I thought I'd at least come and tell you in person" to my back as I was closing the door on him. But, I figured he'd wasted enough of my time and my life so far that I didn't need to give him any more of it.

He's an idiot. Everyone who I've told (including his friends and family) have said the same thing. They've all said that there's something wrong with him. Yet none of them find it important to help him. I just feel sorry for him.

I can't say that I didn't see it coming, but he'd been so adamant about wanting to make this work and doing what it takes to make it work that I thought I'd have to convince him that he didn't like me, but I guess I was wrong. He's just been a liar and a fraud.

So, that's that.


At September 12, 2006 3:31 PM, Blogger April said...

I'm still hopping mad. And you know I hate hopping. It's so undignified.

I hope you're feeling better, both physically and emotionally. At least you had an excuse to stay home in bed, though!

Seriously, though... You want me to anonymously send him a hate card?

At September 12, 2006 3:53 PM, Blogger atsirk said...

He has to live with himself, that should be bad enough. I can't believe what a liar he turned out to be. But the thing that makes it o.k. is that everyone else realizes it, too. Someone commented to me "he had us all fooled." So, it's not like he's going to "get away" with it.

But I'd love to see the hate card you come up with!!!

At September 12, 2006 5:23 PM, Blogger i i eee said...

Wait a minute...I had no idea that this Wednesday thing meant that you could only communicate with one another on Wednesdays...I just originally thought that it was a, "we can only see each other on Wednesdays." You couldn't even talk to him other days of the week???????


And that's all I have to say about that.

And what's this crap, "Yeah, it's been nice not having you around the last few weeks. My life is finally back to normal." HE CAN ROT IN HELL.

Sorry, but what a horrible thing to say and what a horrible, horrible person. I'm just glad that you found this out before you had the chance to marry him!

At September 12, 2006 5:46 PM, Blogger TOWR said...

I think we should all make ten hate cards and then recruit all our friends in other states to make ten hate cards and then we'll inundate the turdhole with hate cards from all around the country! I am SO IN. Just give me the word and I'll bust out the construction paper and glue sticks.

What a wenis (him, not me, natch).

At September 12, 2006 6:02 PM, Blogger April said...

Wenis. hahahahahaha

I'll set my evil mind in motion and see what I come up with.

At September 13, 2006 8:40 AM, Blogger atsirk said...

The solidarity of women always impresses me, especially in times like this. You all are awesome, and should you ever need my hate-card writing skills or ass-kicking skills, you can count on me!

Meta - I think he is going to rot in hell, and have a miserable life. He has everyone fooled into thinking he's wonderful, but because I spent so much time with him, I got to see who he really is - and it's not pretty. I'm glad that I found this out now, too, before it went any further.

rachel - I think your idea is excellent..........I can imagine your construction paper and glue sticks will create a masterpiece. And, yes, he is a wenis!!

jolene - Rat Bastard Wenis he is!! Not that I want praise, but, yes I was very patient with him and stuck through a lot. I don't know anyone else who would do that for him. I don't think anyone will. He'll have a lonely life. Thank you for your kind words!

At September 23, 2006 2:44 AM, Blogger Nemesis said...

I'm sorry I'm so late to the party, but UGH!!! That creep has absolutely no class. Or taste. Or brains. Just---ick. You are of course way too good for him. But I'm sorry you had to go out into the cold for that.


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