Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Monday, October 16, 2006

crazy is as crazy does

Kayla is the cutest person, ever. EVER! In Sunday school are making binders full of all the stories they are learning in the New Testament, along with memorizing the books of the New Testament. Yesterday, I had them all make a cover page to stick on the front of the binder with their names and any picture/artwork that they wanted.

This is what Kayla's looked like (if I had a color scanner, I would scan it, but I don't.): She had a big heart in the middle, with "Jesus and Kayla" written in the middle of the heart. On the bottom of the page were 2 stick figures, one had a red shirt, blue jeans, orange shoes, dark hair and beard. It was saying "This is Jesus", and another stick figure had a pink shirt, blue jeans and orange shoes and it was saying "This is Kayla." It is the cutest thing ever. And Kayla's was the only picture that had anything to do with God or Jesus. She has the best little heart!! I'm keeping that picture forever.

On a totally different subject, a very wise and sophisticated lady suggested to me that I should come up with a nickname for Brad, so that it will help me get over him. Telling stories of him with a name other than Brad will more than likely help me to think of him in a different way, and then hopefully I'll stop thinking of him all together. This is a brilliant plan.

However, I'm horribly bad at being creative, so I'm asking for suggestions. Because I know you girls are way more clever than I. So, let the name calling begin!!


At October 16, 2006 11:14 AM, Blogger N.F. said...

My creative side comes up w/initials instead of names. :) So, all mine are listed as 1 letter. But, one time, for F, I used to call him, "Bucket for brains". Don't ask me how I got that, but it worked. Like magic. Er....kind of.

At October 17, 2006 11:18 AM, Blogger i i eee said...

Wasn't there something in the beginning about him having Liver Spots? Wasn't that him? I'll definitely try to come up with something more. It has to be something that rolls off the tongue pretty easily, eh?


At October 19, 2006 12:21 PM, Blogger atsirk said...

Maybe Scuzz Bucket?

Kristen, how it does not surprise me that you almost got caught writing 'ass face'!! Hahahahaha! Kind of like having toilet paper on the bottom of your shoe at a bowling alley. *giggles*

Thanks for the ideas, girls!! You rock!


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