Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Monday, October 23, 2006

So, this weekend was interesting in some areas. Mostly due to Kayla. 'Cause kids are so cute.

Remember when Nathaniel's (my brother) whore of a fiance left him because she was cheating on him with a married man? Well, she left without saying goodbye to Kayla and it crushed her. So, to deal, Kayla named one of our farm cats Missy, after his whore of a girlfriend. Well, a couple months ago, Missy (the cat) had babies and Kayla likes to go see them when she stays at the farm. Over the weekend, she saw the kittens, but never saw Missy (the cat).

So, we were all sitting around the table and Kayla said, "Geeze, Missy must be hunting a lot because I haven't seen her around." To which my dad informed her that Missy must have been hunting by the road, because Missy was run over and is now splattered all over the road.

Needless to say, Kayla was devastated, but mom and I drove her past the carcas on the way to church and Kayla insists it doesn't look like her Missy cat, so we let her believe that it was a racoon that got run over, not the cat. Poor Kayla.

Then, I was upstairs reading when Kayla came into my room and very carefully asked me why her dad had handcuffs in his dresser. Yeah. Handcuffs. You see, when his whore of a fiance left him, he moved out of their apartment and brought one of his dressers to my mom and dad's to keep for a while until he is done with school and gets a place of his own. Well, Kayla was snooping in his dresser drawers and found these handcuffs. And she also found a pair of leopard-print thongs. When she brought them in to ask me why her dad would have them, I almost died laughing, but I kept it all inside.

I told her to go ask her dad.

In other news, there are five stages of grief, as we all know: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. Well, in dealing with being dumped, I've decided that I'm going through the stages; however, I've had them all mixed up. I started with depression, then I hit acceptance (or what I thought was acceptance), but then I fell out of that and now I'm stuck in Anger. I don't think I'm going to ever go through denial or bargaining, but right now I'm over accepting it and I want revenge. Anger is quite strong with me right now. (Did that sound a little Yoda?)

And I don't just want revenge for Scuzz Face, I want revenge on everyone who had anything to do with bringing the two of us together. Because, of the 4 people who were responsible for this, have any of them asked me how I am or apologized for bringing that Shit Bucket into my life? NO. NOT ONE! That pisses me off that they can ruin someone's heart by claiming Scuzz Face was "a great guy" only to take no responsibility when he turned out to be the biggest effing jackass ever. I mean, if I did that to someone, I would at least apologize. At least. So, I have been filled with hate and anger these past few days and I know that it's wrong, but I wish ill on all of them and mostly him. I wish I could be a better person, but it's just not working.

I fear the upcoming holidays because there will be work parties and get-togethers that I will have to face these people at and if I can't get over this anger, I know I will do or say something that will not be socially acceptable. Lighting people on fire and watching them burn to death, last I checked, was not socially acceptable.


At October 23, 2006 2:30 PM, Blogger April said...

I understand the anger. I was a raging bitch for about 3 months after the Tony/Shay debacle. And I do mean RAGING. I'm not proud of it, but I sure as hell understand it.

Maybe you could write a letter to him saying exactly what you feel. Let it rip. Whether you send it or not is up to you, but perhaps just writing it all down will help to ease the anger just a bit.

At October 23, 2006 2:30 PM, Blogger April said...

p.s. the handcuffs & leopard pring thong?? HUH-larious!

At October 24, 2006 12:12 PM, Blogger atsirk said...

Maybe I'll write a letter and then on our Halloween trip to visit Kristen we can burn it.

I KNOW!! It was HUH-larious!! I wish someone else could have witnessed it as well!!

At October 24, 2006 3:55 PM, Blogger April said...

And by "pring" I meant "print." Me no typey good.

At October 24, 2006 4:19 PM, Blogger i i eee said...

Having an Anger Phase can be some of the best medicine for heartbreak -imho.

Obviously the people that set you up are idiots. So you probably can't expect much out of them.

Leopard print thong...brings back memories of walking in on my friends' parents when I was five...her dad was wearing a leopard print thong...sadly, I was traumatized for life.

At October 26, 2006 8:15 AM, Blogger atsirk said...

meta - sorry to hear about your thong experience. Hopefully Kayla will just forget about it.

Lirps - "pring" I knew you had it in you to misspell something.......finally!!! English majors and their perfect spelling and grammar!! Grrrrr.


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