Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Thursday, January 26, 2006

It comes and goes.....

Want to hear something gross? Too bad, you're going to have to anyway. Keep reading. Really, just do it. 'Cmon!

Anyway, since Sunday, I'd been feeling like a blister had been forming on my little toe on my left foot. I ignored it, because - really - who wants to take the energy and bend over to look at your toe? Not me.

However, on Tuesday, I decided I better look at it, just in case it wasn't a blister and it was some kind of tumor and I was going to die. Might as well just take a peek to avoid anything disastrous, right? Right.

So, I find that not only is it a blister on my toe, the blister is as big as my little toe. And even though it's not that big, because a little toe is little, since it was the whole size of my toe, I think that qualifies as being big. And then I did what anyone would do, I got a sterile needle and tried to drain it. Problem solved, right?


Yesterday, in the middle of the day, my toe starts to throb. And I couldn't even walk on it by the end of the day. And as I was limping around my house, my mom laughs at me because of my "little tiny blister". So, I un-sock and show her my toe, which she then proclaims, "Ewww. That's not a's a deformity." Yeah. Thanks, mom!

I couldn't figure out what to do. Draining it hadn't worked. Ignoring it hadn't worked. Maybe cutting off my toe would be less painful? I seriously considered it. But then I decided against it. That would cost too much. So, I did what anyone in my situation would do - I propped up my feet and watched T.V.

During a commercial, I decided to examine my toe once again, just to look at my "deformity" as some may call it. I knew there was fluid in there, so I just thought that if I could drain it again, it might work the second time around. It just had to. So, while I was trying to gather the fluid in one general area so I could stick the needle in, the darn thing exploded. Seriously.

There was so much fluid in it, it made a pool on the floor, and I had some dripping off of my hand. It was kind of cool, in a weird sort of way. I imagine it sounded 1/10th of what someone's water breaking would sound like. Don't ask me why, I'm just weird.

But, today, my toe feels fine - as if nothing had ever happened. And it looks fine, too. Like nothing was ever there. Strange, yet gross and amazing all at the same time!


At January 27, 2006 11:50 AM, Blogger April said...

"I un-sock and show her my toe." hahahahaha You said un-sock.

I gotta say, Krista, you may have beat Redlaw's fear of eyes popping out blog in the grossness factor.

At January 27, 2006 12:58 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

GROSS! and funny.

At January 27, 2006 1:50 PM, Blogger atsirk said...

*bowing* I concur. With both of you!

At January 31, 2006 1:29 PM, Blogger atsirk said...

Jolene -
I never even thought of that, but how right you are!!! Thank you for pointing that out....should I ever decided to take a toe again, I'll remember this!!!


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