Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Bachelor

I love this show! And it's not because of the promise of love, or the chance that someone will find his true love, blah blah blah. Oh, no. It's because of the horribly pathetic women who come on the show and try to find The One, and are crushed when he doesn't pick them. It's also because women are so fierce when they are fighting for a man's attention, and they all look like devils. It is a great thing to watch: the deterioration of a woman's self respect as she tries to fall in love with someone who will eventually realize that from all the fame of being on the show, he'll have much better women to pick from after the show than the 25 that were chosen in the beginning. Because, let's face it, when people put this together, they only do it for dramatic effect, not for true love.

*sigh* Television at it's best.

In other news, we all know that I'm a dork, right? Right. So the other day, as I'm walking down the street, I see a silver car (nice car) do a very good job of parking in a spot that I'd never in a million years even attempt to park. And when they were done, I said to myself, "Nice job, Parky Parkerton." What the?! I must get out more and have more conversations with normal people.

I had a bunch of stuff to write last week, but, alas, I was busy at work, so those thoughts will all fall to the wayside. Oh, well. They were probably moronic thoughts as those above.


At January 11, 2006 12:43 PM, Blogger April said...

Never seen the show. And proud of it. :) Just teasing. You should see when I'm watching "American Idol." I get pissed when my grandparents come in the room to talk to me. I'm like, "Hello?? Can you wait for a commercial break?"

Oh, Parky. We're two of a kind.

And just so you know, I made a cd for you, too. I'm waiting until Kristen makes the covers to send it out, though. :)

At January 12, 2006 12:27 PM, Blogger atsirk said...

Jolene - Yes, the theatrics of it are what draw me in (even though some people have negative opinions about watching those kinds of shows - but I don't judge what they're watching so they should shut the hell up). I can't wait for next Monday's show.

April - Yay! A CD of my very own! Kayla found my "CK's Rockin' Mix Tape, Summer 2005" last week, so - of course - we had to listen to it. Ah, the memories! (I think I still have the Michael Jackson wrapping paper somewhere...)

At January 12, 2006 12:57 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

I saw that lady arguing with "the bachelor" freaking hilarious...and a little scary.


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