Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Friday, December 09, 2005

10 Things I Hate ...... Continued

The other 9 things I hate:

1. Anonymous people who make fun of my spelling (and, really, it was just that I was too lazy to really care if I spelled it correctly.) (And I'm totally kidding)

2. People who tailgate me during a blizzard (or, as April's mom would say at DQ, a "buzzard")

3. Unibrow (but that's just a given, along with Jeff, Torry, Mike, etc. etc.)

4. Being extremely hot or extremely cold.

5. The wrappers on mini Reese's Peanut Butter cups.

6. Dusting.

7. The fact that I bite my fingernails.

8. When people insult my intelligence.

9. Feeling inadequate.
I had a really great dream last night. It even had a plot. It was like a mini-movie in my head. I even had one of my favorite actresses playing the lead part in my dream. Usually, my dreams are not very vivid and they don't last very long if I have them. But last night it was long, very vivid, and quite interesting. I don't even know where the idea came from, either.

The best part of it was the kiss. *sigh* Since it has been so long since my last kiss, it was nice to at least dream about it. And the guy in my dream (I have no idea who he was or who he was based upon) was a really good kisser, and had really strong arms. Even though someone else was playing the 'lead role' in my dream, I got to experience the kiss.

Someone needs to yell at me, though, because I've been feeling down lately. This has been the first holiday season in 2 years that I have not been with a boyfriend, and it is kind of sad for me. Not that I would want either of them back just so I could share the holidays, but it just seems a little more empty than before. But then again, maybe this year will be wonderful, and I'm down for nothing. It's just that there's a lack of prospects, and it makes me nervous. And not that I'm nervous about the lack of prospects, I'm nervous that I'm not freaking out about it. My biological clock has seemed to stop ticking. What does that mean?! I don't want to be alone forever, so shouldn't I be at least a little scared that it seems that's the way my life is going?


I just almost sliced off my finger. With a piece of paper....Who knew papercuts could be so deadly? Thankfully I found a skin-colored band-aid. Yay for me!


At December 12, 2005 8:07 AM, Blogger atsirk said...

Thanks, Jolene! You're wonderful - I needed to hear that, too!!

At December 12, 2005 11:24 AM, Blogger April said...

Whenever you feel blue, just remember, I'm older and have been single longer. You bitch.
Love, April

At December 13, 2005 11:04 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

I HATE being too hot or too cold also! We have so much in common! :-)

At December 13, 2005 12:13 PM, Blogger atsirk said...

Jolene - that sounds awesome. I'm so going to check it out! (You're not heartless, you're just finding statistics!)


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