Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

All you need is.......chocolate

Dear faithful readers (all 2 of you) here is my most memorable Sacramento, California story. And it's a story that Kristen will appreciate (but I won't tell of the subject matter until the end, as I don't want to give away the story). So, here goes....

Lori has a 3 year old named Carter. He is not a well behaved child at all. Lori and Duy are constantly yelling at him for misbehaving (jumping on the couches, climbing on the stair railing, jumping off tables, and general hitting and kicking). He even had the nerve to come up to me and punch me in the stomach - not that it was hard to miss, there's so much. But, he was driving me crazy pretty much the whole time. Very disrespectful.

The week I was there, he had a little zip-lock bag full of Hershey's kisses (and no, he never offered me one) that he carried around with him. One day, I was sitting with Tyler (her 12 year old) on the couch watching TV. Carter had been saying "Chick-en! Chick-en!" all week because he wanted to see Chicken Little. (But we didn't because of his unruly behavior). Well, as I was sitting there, Lori was outside smoking, so Carter brought me the baggie, saying "Chick-en! Chick-en!" I figured he needed help opening one of the kisses, so I (being so wonderful) took the bag from him.

Upon examining the contents of the bag (and by examination, I mean squishing it) I realized that it was not, in fact, Hershey's kisses, but it was poop. Yes! He pooped in the bag! And brought it to me. I shoved it at Tyler, and said "I think he pooped in the bag!" And Tyler took it, laughing, to show his mom. I was mortified. Carter just laughed.

The more I think of it, it does make me laugh - especially how he was saying "Chick-en! Chick-en!"

Kristen, I though you'd appreciate a good 'poop' story. (As we all remember the incident of Todd at the bar, announcing that he had to take a sh*t, and Kristen's story of the pea in the Library bathroom....ah, so many memories!)

Anyway, other than that, we just hung out, drank a lot, and I got fake nails put on - which is why there are probably a million spelling errors on this page, it's so hard to type! But, it was fun and relaxing. We saw 'The 40 Year Old Virgin' for $3, it was hilarious and cheap! Not too shabby (*Adam Sandler-ish) We flew over the Rockies on the way back to Minneapolis, and it was really cool to see. I had window seats all the way there and the way back.

And that, my friends, is all I have time for now. More stories of my trip to come, but I thought I'd share the most memorable one with you now. 'Til later....


At November 16, 2005 4:52 PM, Blogger April said...

Ah, there's nothing like a good poop story. Except a good chocolate story.

At November 17, 2005 10:31 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

my favorite parts about this post is the punch in the stomach and the poop. I love them both equally.

i freaking out just thinking of some kid handing me a bag of poop. i would have puked. you have such poise, krista.

At November 17, 2005 11:08 AM, Blogger atsirk said...

At the time I was kind of ticked off.....just because he had been such a little (for lack of a better word) shit. I was just amazed that it was so neatly contained in the baggie. And he didn't have any smeared on the outside of the baggie or on his hands. It's kind of an amazing feat if you think about it!

At November 17, 2005 5:42 PM, Blogger April said...

LOL Even while being annoyed, you were impressed by his pooping. So flippin' funny. GOSH!


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