Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Adventures of Unibrow

At the suggestion of April, I decided to join in on the fun of blogging and start my own. But, before I go any further, I must say, April and Kristen, that if you do not put any comments in my comments section, I will be forever scarred. (Please feel guilty and put nice comments) And for those who are just haphazardly passing by and reading this, please note that I am not an English major. Don't expect perfection or exemplary writing. You will get neither.

Anyway, I had a dream about Uni last night. I suppose the premise for it was that I was talking to Deb (my boss at the gallery) about him last night, because my mom had run into his fiance's mom in Wal-Mart the other day. She was telling me how Uni and Mrs-Uni-to-be stopped by her house on Sunday to drop off some containers they had borrowed. Deb said it was gruesome watching them together because Mrs-Uni-to-be was trying to hold Uni's hand and grab his arm to hold it, but he was not responding to her at all. If that doesn't tell you that he doesn't care about her and that he's only marrying her to marry someone, I don't know what will.

But, in my dream (as was the point of all of this) he had to redecorate his bathroom, which in real life he was really proud of when we were together, because she wanted flowers and butterflies on the walls. It looked tacky, and he was sad in the dream. And, of course, I just laughed at him.

I have an affinity towards Watermelon flavored Jolly Ranchers, but how come when I open a bag of them, there are only two and the rest are the blue or purple ones? It's just not fair. I had to resort to a purple one today, and I suspect - though I do not know for sure - that at this moment my tongue may in fact be purple. So attractive.

I'm getting excited to go to California, so if you have anything you want me to bring back, suggest now or forever hold your peace.


At November 02, 2005 1:58 PM, Blogger atsirk said...

Yay for me! Now I have to think of things to blog about. Hmmm.

Yeah, it's a good thing I didn't go back to him when he tried to get me to go out with him again. After all, they were engaged 4 weeks after he stopped calling me. That could be me - I would have totally said 'no' if he proposed, though. *shudder* Gross!

At November 07, 2005 1:18 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

Yo. Krista. April gave me the correct address for your blog. Couldn't find it before.
If you really want to bring something back for me I'll take a boyfriend. Or some chocolate. Whatever is cheaper.


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