Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Nothing Is So Common As the Desire To Be Great

Why is it that when I'm going on vacation that's when people pile on the work for me? Not that lately it's been slow, because it hasn't. Lately I've had to stay late to finish everything, and just when I thought that it was going to slow down so I could get caught up before I leave - BAM - everyone wants everything. And now!

I woke up at 5am to the sound of what I though were sirens. It scared me, but as I listened more, I knew it sounded more like animals than anything, so I rolled over and attempted to go back to sleep. But then I thought that maybe it was a flock of birds going to attack (Alfred Hitchcock-like) and I was scared for a split second before I realized I didn't care as much about that as getting another hour of sleep, so I didn't wake up enough to think about my odd thoughts. When I asked my mom about it she said it was coyotes, which makes sense because for the last 2 weeks our dogs have been howling at night because they hear the coyotes, too. I live in the middle of nowhere!

Well, off to another job. I am crazy, aren't I? Yes. Yes, I am!


At November 04, 2005 1:28 PM, Blogger April said...

They're probably piling on work to punish you for taking a vacation. They realize that you'll be gone and they'll actually have to do their own work.
To heck (yes, HECK!) with them.


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