Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Resolution?! What's That?

Welcome to a new year. I hope it ends better than it started, but we're only 4 days in, so it could be iffy!

Nathaniel and Missy set a wedding dated for October 6, 2007. (He said that it will give her mom time to save for the wedding, but I think he's just trying to put it off as long as possible. Not that anything between them would really change after they're married, because they live like married people now, they just sign a license and file a joint tax return. My mom says it will be good to have them stop "living in sin". She's funny)

I was going to make a resolution this year. Somthing different and exciting, but really, if I had I would have broken it by now. So, we'll see if maybe in February I want to make one. I originally thought that I should write down something every day that I did to make myself a better person, no matter how small an action, and then at the end of the year I could look back and see 365 things I did positively during the year so that my year wasn't a waste. But, alas, I couldn't find a notebook to write them down in.

Note to self: get a new notebook.

I have no other news. My parents both work at the same place now, and they always sit around talking about it in the evenings, so that now I've been forced to call myself an orphan, due to lack of attention. If I wanted to be ignored and left out, I would just move out. Sheesh!

I have decided that Orlando Bloom is hot. Never thought so before, but I then I watched Kingdom of Heaven over the weekend - 3 times. What a hottie.


At January 04, 2006 12:03 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

"...could be iffy..."


I concur.

And I laughed when I read that...a lot.

At January 04, 2006 12:06 PM, Blogger atsirk said...

Yay! I live to make you and April laugh. 'Cause you guys are the funniest.

Although, nothing can compete with your dad buying peanuts at Menards!

At January 04, 2006 5:15 PM, Blogger April said...

I totally was re-interested in Orlando Bloom after watching "Kingdom of Heaven!" He's super duper (did I say that?) hot in that movie.

Oh, you poor lil orphan. I will give you attention if you'll be my sugar momma. Minus any physical affection.


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