Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

OTH Wednesday!

While searching for the next Pussycat Doll (which is very important, mind you) I have been deprived of my usual OTH Wednesday goodness. I was beginning to think nothing would be right with the world. I mean, would Peyton ever get away from her stalker? Would the high-school married couple (Nathan & Haley) be able to carry their baby to term...they've been through so much already. I mean, getting hit by a car and still being alive is a miracle in and of itself, but to keep your baby, too?? And would Mouth be led astray by Rachel? Oh, the burning questions that were haunting my mind!!



OTH returns with a vengance. Last week was a new episode, and tonight is a 2 HOUR marathon, including one of the episodes that I missed.

I think I'm going to be okay here. ( has a candy shell on it. Hmmm. Surprised you didn't know that....)

I digress.

Anyway, I made it through the night house & dog sitting. Of course, as I was lying in bed and saying my prayers, asking God to protect me and make sure I was safe from burglars, hurricanes and tsunamis, Jacob (the dog) started barking and growling and ran toward the door. SCARY! Luckily, nothing happened. So I turned on Jay Leno to drown out any background noises that may have been unfamiliar to me. Hopefully I sleep better tonight.

AND, one last thing. Way to go Anton Apollo Ono! You are my dancing queen.......I love you and your speed skating quickness on the dance floor. (His winning has nothing to do with the fact that my mom and I both called in, each having 2 phones going at the same time, and then going on the internet with every possible email address available to us for voting. Nah, it had nothing to do with that!!)

Well, gotta go walk the dog.


At May 24, 2007 4:39 PM, Blogger April said...

That Apollo guy had ginormous teeth.

Oh, the CW can cancel an awesome show like Veronica Mars, but they can order another season of the Pussycat Dolls???? What the crap? How many freaking dolls do they need?


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