Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Did someone say Marriage?

I have so much freakin' news that I don't even know where to begin. I may have to break this up throughout the week to get it all in.

First of all, a major disappointment has happened to my family. As you know, Nathaniel and Missy were engaged to be married next September. Well, Saturday morning Nathaniel informed us that Missy gave him back the ring and moved in with another man. He's going through a divorce and has 2 kids.

It was absolutely shocking news. We are all still trying to process it. Apparently, she met the guy during her EMT class, which Nathaniel paid for and encouraged her to do as part of her nursing training, which Nathaniel also encouraged her to do. We are all pissed. We feel so betrayed and used. My parents had given her (not sold to, given) a car, paid for some of her first classes, and we've all shared family secrets and stories with her, and then she does this?!!?

Apparently she said that she felt takend for granted and that Nathaniel was putting Kayla ahead of her. First of all, can I just say that Nathaniel sees Kayla 4 days a month. FOUR. And so if she feels that he put her above Kayla, what is this married guy with 2 kids going to do?? Huh?! And I think she is the one who was taking Nathaniel for granted. He cleaned their apartment, did all their laundry and was always saying to us, "well I'm going to go home now because Missy's coming home." If he didn't give a shit about her, then he would never have cared to be home when she was. Bitch.

A good thing is that her family isn't speaking to her at all. Her sister told Nathaniel that when she calls her she just hangs up on Missy. Nathaniel also went to see Missy's parents and thanked them for all they've done for Kayla over the past 4 years. They really love her and Kayla adores them. We haven't told Kayla. How awful for her, she liked Missy and had started calling her her step-mom.

I think Nathaniel is in shock. Just 2 weeks ago Missy showed me and mom the dress that she was getting for the wedding. Justin said that he thinks Missy did this just to see if Nathaniel would come after her, just for attention. But he said that she realizes that he won't take her back now, and she's screwed.

It's just so out of the blue, but then again, maybe she's just been conning us for the last 4 years to get what she wanted and then move on. Fucking Bitch. There aren't even enough words of hatred that have been created for me to expres the fury that I feel for someone doing that to my family.

In other news, I belive Brad would like to marry me in September. Yeah. Four months away.

We haven't talked about it outright, and I plan on doing that this week, but here is why I think this:
1) On Friday he came over and was telling me how he was talking to his neighbor lady. He has first option to purchase her farm if she ever decides to sell it. He said that he was telling her he had a girlfriend and then decided to play a little joke on her. So he said that we were getting married in September and that she could expect the invitation in August. So she was all like, "Well, I better start looking for a new place to live, because you'll want to be buying this place....blah blah blah." He did tell her it was a joke, and then I kind of forgot about it until....
2) Saturday night. Met his mom's side of the family at a wedding for his cousin (I'm totally in, by the way, the family loved me and I loved them, they're awesome!). Now, when I relay all this information, keep in mind he was intoxicated, so maybe he's just playing with my mind. Anyway, we were in our own little world, his arm around me when all of a sudden he started talking about being "in this" for the long haul. And then he went on to say that he had it all planned out and that he had it under control. Then, (and this is what got me) he said that September is a good month for him and that he could have a place by then. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

So, I don't know. There are some other cute things I want to share, but I better get back to work. What do you guys think? Of everything. It was quite a weekend.


At May 30, 2006 4:22 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

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At May 30, 2006 4:23 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

Holy Crap! What a week!!!!

I can't believe Missy! What a jerkface. And why wouldn't your brother put Kayla first?!?!?! She's his DAUGHTER!!! I'm glad Missy's fam is mad at her too. If I lived closer I'd go over to Missy and karate chop her in the neck. See how she likes that!

But...if you get married in September that's not enough time for me to lose weight (because, yes, it's all about me). That would be awesome if you did get married.

I can't write any more. I need to call you. But I won't get home until late tonight. AAAAHHHHHH!!! I'll call tomorrow...until then you're in my thoughts!!! times two!

At May 31, 2006 8:14 AM, Blogger atsirk said...

Kristen - Thank you for your thoughts. Our family needs your prayers.....basically because I'd do more than karate chop her in the neck. And yes, September is too soon for me to lose weight, too. I agree. So, I guess we'll see what's really up.

Jolene - I think she started seeing him during her EMT class, and then moved in to make Nathaniel jealous, but it just made her look like a whore instead. I hope she gets warts, too. We really had no idea it was coming. It would have been different if she needed space and moved in with her parents or something. Grrrr.

And, yes, I would say yes if he asked me tomorrow.

At June 09, 2006 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

At July 21, 2006 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.


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