Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Thursday, February 08, 2007

"I never promised there'd be sunshine every day"

So, as we all know (o.k., so my faithful 4 readers know) that I am addicted to One Tree Hill. And yesterday, being Wednesday, was One Tree Hill Wednesday.

Despite the fact that OTHW started out really, really crappy, it ended up being pretty good. Since, you know, I had to look forward to going home and watching OTH.

When I got home and walked into the house, I was greeted by the horrible stench of rotten vegetables that had previously been in our refridgerator since Christmas (notice that I didn't say that there was rotten chocolate, fudge, christmas cookies. Oh, no! I said vegetables, people. Rotten, stinky vegetables.....). My mom had thrown them out that morning, but didn't bag up the garbage and take it outside. Horrible mistake.

But, good for me. I took the icky garbage out to the porch where I notice a package that I hand't seen when I was coming into the house. The delightful surprise was from none other than our favorite Underground Librarian, Kristen.

So, I rushed inside to open it (of course side tracked by the fact that I needed to spray Lysol throughout the house). Inside as a very cute Valentine's day card that said something to the effect of ...... "I hope your day isn't full of dumb boys who talk to their cats. Creeeeeepy." So made me laugh.

There were also 3 pretty packages, all wrapped in red. I picked one up (and remind you that it is OTHW) and thought to myself, "This looks like a vinyl record...ooh! I could be just like Peyton (from OTH)" And then I scolded myself and said that no one is as crazed about OTH as I am. So I just ripped it open.

It was a One Tree Hill calendar. How. Freakin'. Funny!!! I laughed and laughed and laughed. OTHW has a way of being surprising.

I also got a beautiful picture frame, which will someday contain a picture of Kayla (if I ever get pictures developed) and I will put it on my desk at work. Also included was a pedicure set. So wish I had had that on Monday for my mini-/not really-pedicure from Kayla. So, thank you, dear Kristen. Thank you!!

Oh, how I love OTHW!


At February 08, 2007 5:25 PM, Blogger April said...

She finally sent it?? I've been wanting to tell you about it for months!!!

Wait a minute. Don't you mean there'll soon be a picture of APRIL in your new frame?? :)

At February 08, 2007 5:53 PM, Blogger i i eee said...

Hahhaa. April so funny.

I love it when little surprises come in the mail when you probably most need them.

At February 09, 2007 3:26 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

Glad you liked the pressies. Sorry it took me so long to send them. Your brother hasn't taken the calendar yet, has he?


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