Confessions of a Blonde

Always Love.........Hate Will Get You Every Time ~ Nada Surf

Friday, October 03, 2008


Granted, I'm biased. I'm already voting for Barack Obama - barring any catastrophe that may surface, but if it was out there I'm sure Hillary would have brought it up in the primary.

I'm sad about the choice John McCain made for Vice President. After last night's debate, I was hoping that Sarah Palin would give me a different perspective on her experience and ability to be the #2 in our country. Because as much as I support Barack Obama, there is a chance that he will not win this election, and I have to live with the alternative. So it's good to know what the alternative would be.

I don't want a regular "Joe six-pack" a heartbeat away from running this country. I would not choose to go into my local tavern and pull someone off the bar stool and send them to Washington. We have had "regular Joe" running the country for the last 8 years. I don't think that's worked out so well for America.

John McCain doesn't have much of a change message, except for his "pork barrel spending" message. Other than that, he just attacks Barack Obama. People only attack when they don't have substance to stand on. Mud slinging is getting old: and both sides do it. But tell us what you're going to do. That's what we want to know. Not the lies. Everybody can lie. But John McCain doesn't have a message of change because if he wanted to be different from the George Bush administration, he would have run on the Democratic ticket. He took their campaign slogan ('cause it was a good one) but he can't back it up with actual changes from the current administration.

In the end, we're voting for a President, not a Vice President. But this year has shown me that John McCain has very bad judgment. Being a maverick doesn't always play to the advantage of the American people, and his choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate sure made me question his critical thinking abilities. I want someone who looks at the whole picture before making a decision, not someone who wants short-term gains in the polls while dismissing the devastation that that decision could cost America in the long run.

Country first? I think not. "Politics First" is more like it.

And to those who are saying that Joe Biden and Sarah Palin "tied" in the debate so the win should go to Palin, let me make a small point: While they both passed their tests, Sarah Palin went from Preschool to Kindergarten. Joe Biden just got into Grad School. They weren't taking the same test, and they are obviously not in the same league. One bar was set considerably lower than the other. Let's not fool ourselves because we're trying to save face over our over-zealous acceptance of a woman who had nothing going for her except the fact that she's started a trend in fashionable eye-wear. (Yes, that's a bit catty, but it's my blog.)


At October 03, 2008 9:51 AM, Blogger April said...

oooh, I like that entire last paragraph!! I'm going to pretend I came up with it.

I didn't like her flirtation with the camera, either. Don't wink and tease. This isn't a beauty contest; it's a political stage where the entire world is watching and judging you. We already look like fools to other countries for having GWB as president for the last two terms. Don't make us into a bigger joke by turning a serious debate, and ultimately, the highest and second-highest positions of the United States, into a dumbed-down, mud-slinging forum.

"Say it ain't so, Joe"? Really? Throwing in a few hick terms like "heckofa" and "darn" does not make me think of you as someone to whom I can relate. It makes you look condescending and childish.

At October 03, 2008 10:45 AM, Blogger atsirk said...

I was thinking more on the lines of "white trash" but your last paragraph sounds so much better!!!


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